*What I have done in the past with this guide is not compensated and takes dozens of hours of research and interviews. While some time is spent transcribing much of my time is spent constantly trying to contact candidates to get answers to self-designed surveys with questions not typically asked. I did not have time to put that effort in this year so I apologize to any who were expecting that.

I was pleasantly surprised to discover people remembering this site even though I have not advertised it this year and all previous advertising was very limited.

Monday, November 1, 2010

UPDATE: Judge the Judges

I recieved this email with the following judge information (Be sure to click on the link to see specific judge recomendations):

In part it says, "What does anyone know about judges? Is the fact that they may be good tempered more important than their philosophy of government? What about their deference to the people and to legislators when they act against the judges personal views on public matters?

Conservatives and Common Sense Independents know that a judge must understand the limits of their own power. That the people have the right to determine their culture in line with the original intent of the constitution.

When they lose this basic understanding, they should be released back into private life. That process of relieving them of their power over the people is called retention.

First, what is it? Judicial retention is a periodic opportunity for the public to judge our judges. They are voted on, or ‘retained’, in our regular elections in what has traditionally been an elective ‘nonevent.’

Judicial retention matters because the misinterpretation of even a single word in our Constitution leads to overturning supermajorities of legislators and Governors. Our judicial branch was designed to be the least powerful, not the most important. That is no longer the case. Liberalism in all of its forms is not often implemented by our elected legislators. It comes almost exclusively through the courts.

In extreme cases, our judge’s rulings can abuse the will of the people by ignoring even a Constitutional Amendment such as the Marriage act that was passed in 1998. The Marriage Act was disregarded in a recent 5 to 0 decision that recognized ‘same-sex domestic partnerships’ as having the same characteristics as married people, and therefore were eligible for benefits.

Again in 2007, overturning a supermajority of legislators, the Supreme Court, including Justice Dana Fabe, ruled that a parent's right to raise their child ends when the child begins to have sex. An outrageous and unique view in the history of Western civilization."

1 comment:

  1. I really appreciate all your hard work in putting this blog together. You have done a great job.
    Thanks for keeping us all informed.
